Great academic opportunities: 21 jobs, 21 calls for papers, 9 postdocs, 6 PhD fellowships, an award, an internship

Dear ES/PE community members, find below an abundant list of great academic opportunities: 21 job openings, 21 calls for papers for conferences (some are partly funded) and special issues, 9 postdoc positions, 6 PhD fellowships, 2 winter schools, a visiting teaching professorship, an award, and an internship in economic sociology, political economy, and related fields, with August 28 — September 30 deadlines. Share this post with your colleagues and students. Good luck!!

Calls for Papers:

CfP: “Navigating Commodities: Production, Markets, and Consumption in History” international conference, University of Tokyo, 18-19 November 2023. Participation is free; those joining from outside Tokyo will receive a bursary to cover part or all of their expenses. A keynoter: Ai Hisano. DL: August 28

CfP: “Material life of the Displaced: Categories, Belongings, Solidarities” conference, the Centre for History, Sciences Po (Paris), 5-6 December, 2023. Some funds are available for travel and accommodation expenses. DL: August 30

CfP: “The Global East as Borderland: Networking and Commoning“, the East Asian Regional Conference in Alternative Geography and Global Political Economy conference, City University of Hong Kong, December 12-15, 2023. Keynoters: Joe Painter , Biao Xiang, Cindy Fan, Natalie Koh. Three travel grants will be offered to graduate students and/or early career researchers. DL: 30 August

CfP: The PSA British and Comparative Political Economy group’s Early Career Researchers workshop, King’s College London or online, 3 November 2023. A limited number of bursaries may be available to support travel expenses. DL: August 31

CfP:  “Cooperatives on the edge of societal challenges“, Journal of Entrepreneurial and Organizational Diversity‘s special issue. DL for proposals: August 31

CfP: “Intellectual Histories of the Corporation” workshop, Department of Business Humanities and Law, Copenhagen Business School. Accepted participants will also be invited to a follow up workshop in 2024. Participants’ costs related to travel and accommodation can be covered. DL: September 1

CfP: “Regulating Remittances: Methods, Case Studies and Theories” conference, the Leiden University African Studies Centre (12 Oct) and the Institute of Security and Global Affairs in The Hague (13 Oct), and online via Zoom, 12-13 October, 2023. DL: September 1

CfP: “Sociology of Professional Conferences and Trade Shows: Rethinking Careers and Professions through the Study of Events”, French Sociological Review‘s special issue. DL for proposals: September 1

CfP: “The International Political Economy of Labor Migration. The Next Great Transformation? Current Developments, Future Prospects“, the ISA RC02 conference, University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany), July 18–20, 2024. A limited number of travel grants will be available to postgraduate students, labor activists and scholars from lower income world regions. DL: September 1

CfP: The 5th European Labour History Network conference, Uppsala University (Sweden) and hybrid mode, 11-13 June, 2024. DLs are from September 1 to 30, depending on themes

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CfP: “Regulation & the Common Good“, WINIR workshop, University of Sheffield (UK), 18 October, 2023. Keynoters: Julia Black, Tony Prosser, Adam White, Richard Craven.  There is funding available to support speakers’ travel and accommodation expenses. DL: September 4

CfP “Beyond Failure: The Promise of Utopia” workshop, the University of Edinburgh (UK), April 23-24, 2024. The organizers have limited funds to assist funding. DL: September 5

CfP: “Global Disasters and World Society: the Ecological Dimension of Modern World-system Crisis“, the Research Group on Political Economy of World-Systems conference, the Federal University of Santa Catarina in Florianópolis (Brazil) and online, 25-27 March 2024. DL: September 15

CfP: “ECB’s unconventional monetary policies from 2011 to 2018: An overview and lessons” edited volume. DL for chapter proposals: September 15

CfP: The Economic History Society annual conference, Northumbria University (Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England, UK), 5-7 April, 2024. DL: September 18

Call for Mini-Conference Theme Proposals for the 2024 annual SASE conference, to take place at the University of Limerick (Ireland), 27-29 June 2024. DL: September 22

CfP: “Regulation and (Dis)Trust: Exploring a Complex Relationship” workshop towards a special issue,  European University Institute (Florence), 25-26 January 2024.  The organizers offer a “research subsidy” of up to 400 euros. DL: September 24

CfP: The Handbook on Financialization and Space to be published mid-2025 by Edward Elgar Publishing. DL for proposals: September 25

CfP: “Political Economy and Democracy: Reimagining the World“, the 7th Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Association for Political Economy, Institute of Economics and Management (Lisbon), 26-27 January 2024. Keynoters: Virginia Doellgast, Lisa Dorigatti, José Pereirinha, Fernando Rosas, Rui Branco. DL: September 29

CfP: “Health Capitalism and Financialization of Healthcare“, Review of Evolutionary Political Economy‘s special issue. DL for proposals: September 30

CfP: “Great Reset. Opportunity or Threat?“, the 8th Business Systems Laboratory International Symposium, University of Palermo (Italy), 11-12 January 2024. Keynoters: Steffen Roth, Constantin Bratianu, Maurice Yolles, Mario Pagliaro. DL: September 30

PhD Fellowships and positions:

Research assistant (Praedoc) in economic sociology / political economy, Sociology Department, Freie Universität Berlin. DL: September 4

PhD position in Business and Sustainable Development, the Department of Management, Society and Communication at Copenhagen Business School. DL: September 11

PhD Scholarship in the Legal and Social Theory of Global Economic Regulation, the Department of Business Humanities and Law at Copenhagen Business School. DL: September 15

PhD student to work on the evolution of global supply chains via Social Network Analysis, the Department of Political Science at the University of Amsterdam. DL: September 15 

PhD scholarship for topics on economic and social contexts within which multinational enterprise act and/or the relationship between business and government, the Department of International Economics, Government and Business at Copenhagen Business School. DL: September 18

Research Associate in Work and Employment (towards obtaining PhD), Sheffield University Management School. DL: September 27

Postdoctoral positions:

Postdoc research position on political economy of green energy transitions, Sustainable Consumption Institute, the University of Manchester. DL: September 13

2 Postdoc Positions in the Historical Sociology of Economic Law, the Department of Business Humanities and Law at Copenhagen Business School. DL: September 15

2 Postdoc Positions in the Anthropology of Economic Law and Regulation, the Department of Business Humanities and Law at Copenhagen Business School. DL: September 15

Post-Doctoral position in International Political Economy / Politics and Money, Institute for International Political Economy, the Vienna University of Economics and and Business (Austria). DL: September 20

Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Economic History, the Centre for History and Economics, Magdalene College, Cambridge University. DL: September 29

Postdoctoral Fellowship on the Governance and Politics of Pharmaceutical Regulation or the Political Economy of COVID-19 Vaccine Regulation, São Paulo School of Business Administration (Brazil). DL: September 30

Post-doc position related to sustainable and inclusive wellbeing “beyond GDP”, the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, the Economic and Financial Resilience unit (Ispra, Italy). DL: September 30

Job openings:

Three Senior Academic Researcher specializing in global development policy / international political economy, Global Development Policy Center, The Boston University. DL: on the rolling basis

Assistant or Associate Professor in International Political Economy (Tenure-Track/Tenured), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. DL: August 31

Assistant Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology at the University of California, Berkeley. The Department is one the best in the US to work on Economic Sociology. DL: September 1

A tenure-track Assistant Professor in Labor Studies, the University of California, Los Angeles. DL: September 3

Multiple full-time, permanent positions in Entrepreneurship, Organization Theory, Finance and more, at NEOMA Business School (Reims, Rouen, Paris), France. DL: September 10

Assistant Professor of Sociology specializing the sociology of Institutions, Inequalities and Life courses, Department of Sociology, University of Amsterdam. DL: September 11

Senior researcher in Comparative and/or International Political Economy, the Max Planck Institute for the  Study of Societies (MPIfG) in Cologne (Germany). DL: September 11

Assistant professor with a focus on the relations between work, digitalisation and responsibility, the Work and Organisational Psychology department, Radboud University (Nijmegen, The Netherlands). DL: September 11

A tenure-track position as Assistant Professor of Sociology with expertise on race and inequality, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, The Washington and Lee University (Virginia, USA). DL: September 15

A tenure-track assistant professor in the study of race, economic opportunity, and leadership (with expertise in the study of race and ethnic inequalities and opportunities in credit, debt, wealth, consumption, household finance), the Department of Sociology at the Ohio State University (USA). DL: September 15

Full Professor of International Development (to research and teach from a political science perspective on development discourses, development theories, and global perspectives), the University of Vienna. DL: September 15

Assistant Professor of Sociology specializing in Environmental Inequality, the Department of Sociology at the University of Washington, Seattle. DL: September 16

Researcher in the political economy of international markets for food products, Interdisciplinary Centre on Sustainable Agri-Food Systems (Montpellier, France). DL: September 17

Lecturer in Business and Society, the Department of Business and Society, Queen Mary University of London (UK). DL: September 19

Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Sustainability and Circular Economy, the University of Exeter Business School (UK). DL: September 19

Professor in Sociology specializing in social inequalities, Department of Sociology, London School of Economic and Political Science. DL: September 24

Assistant Professor in Digital Sociology (digital labour, platform economies), the Department of Sociology, University of Cambridge. DL: September 25

Assistant Professor specializing in the Economic Sociology or Political Economy of Globalization, the Department of Sociology and the Program in Global Studies, University of Virginia (USA). DL: September 29

Visiting Position:

Visiting assistant professor to teach Political Economy for MA degree (starting from 1 October), the Munich School of Politics and Public Policy at the Technical University of Munich. DL: now


Call for PhD Student Interns: Socio-Economic Review, the official journal of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE), is calling for applications to its Board of Graduate Interns. DL: September 5


The Society for the Anthropology of Work invites graduate students to submit scholarly papers to the Eric R. Wolf Prize on the anthropology of work, broadly defined. DL: September 15

Winter Schools:

Residential Training Course in Economic and Business History for Postgraduate Student by organized and funded the Economic History Society, University of Warwick (Radcliffe, UK), 29 November – 2 December, 2023. DL: September 15

CfA: “Work: transformations, representations and organization in the last 50 years” winter school by the Portuguese Association for Political Economy run before its annual meeting, Institute of Economics and Management (Lisbon), January 27, 2025. DL: September 29

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